FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 9, 2021 MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa J. Dixon 814-812-0089 Erie, PA – Erie County government leads the state of Pennsylvania for the sixth consecutive year in receiving National Association of Counties Achievement Awards for county programs and services. Out of eight awards in Pennsylvania for 2021,
Tag: NACo
Erie County to celebrate National County Government Month
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 1, 2021 MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa J. Dixon Erie, PA – County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper and her administration will celebrate National County Government Month (NCGM) during the month of April to showcase how the county achieves healthy, safe and vibrant communities. The theme for this year’s
Erie County administers safe, fair and accurate election; power restored at polling places
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 3, 2020 CONTACT: Douglas R. Smith 814-451-6303 Erie, PA – County leaders and elections officials are administering a safe, fair and accurate election. In an unprecedented election year, local elections officials assure all voters that, though a final count may take longer than previous election
Erie County programs lead state with 5 national awards
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 18, 2020 MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa J. Dixon 814-812-0089 Erie, PA – Erie County government continues to lead the state of Pennsylvania in receiving National Association of Counties Achievement Awards for county programs and services. Out of seven awards in Pennsylvania, five were awarded to Erie