The Erie County Human Relations Commission works to eliminate discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. The Commission investigates claims of unlawful discrimination to ensure the equal opportunities for all persons.
The Erie County Human Relations Commission enforces the Erie County Human Relations Commission Ordinance, and Erie County Human Relations Commission Bylaws which affords individuals the opportunity to obtain without discrimination employment for they are qualified, and reasonable access to any public property or facility, rental housing or commercial property.
The Ordinance recognizes as civil rights the following: race, color, familial status, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability of the person, the use of guide or support animals because of the disability of the person, or because the person is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals. Those civil rights shall be enforceable under the Ordinance.
The Erie County Human Relations Commission (HRC) is soliciting proposals for professional legal services. The HRC administers the implementation and enforcement of the County’s HRC Ordinance. Erie County’s HRC works to eliminate discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations and is currently seeking Panel Attorneys. Duties and responsibilities include providing legal services as a HRC Panel Attorney on an as needed basis pertaining to enforcement process of the Ordinance. Legal skills and abilities include a working knowledge of current laws pertaining to unlawful discrimination practices. Minimum requirements include a Juris Doctorate Degree from an accredited law school, and must be a member in good standing with the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA). Please submit a resume and cover letter, along with a proposal including your estimated availability per month, to Karen Chillcott, Department Head of the Erie County Human Relations Commission, at or call (814) 451-6303 with any questions. Erie County is an Equal Opportunity employer.