District 6 – Charlie Bayle

Erie County Councilman Charlie Bayle
Councilman Charlie Bayle

Samuel “Charlie” Bayle is the elected representative for District 6.

Bayle is retired from both the United State Army and Pennsylvania State Police, spending nearly 30 years in public service. Upon retirement, he also spent several years as the School Police Officer for the Girard School District. Bayle has been active in youth coaching, and mentored local children through the Character: Be About It program in the General McLane School District.

Bayle looks forward to representing his constituents with a strong voice and common sense approach.

A native of Erie County, Bayle grew up in both Cranesville and Mill Village, ultimately graduating from Fort Leboeuf High School.

He and his wife Victoria reside in Washington Township with their 3 children.

About District 6

City of Corry – 1, 2, 3

Edinboro Borough 1, 2                       Amity Township

Elgin Borough                                    Concord Township

Mill Village Borough                         Greenfield Township

Union City Borough                           LeBoeuf Township

Waterford Borough                             Venango Township

Wattsburg Borough                            Washington Township

Waterford Township – 1, 2                 Franklin Township

Wayne Township                                Union Township

The term expires December 31, 2025.