Geographic Information System (GIS)


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Geographic Information System (GIS) pursues to optimize Erie County’s geospatial investment through collaboration, policy, strategic planning and interdepartmental organization. This use of cutting-edge technology will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations.


1.) To provide a clear picture about the aspects, resources, and needs of Erie County.

2.) To ensure maps and GIS data are available to municipal governments.

3.) Ensure maps and GIS data are available to the public; at no cost to the public; for access via a web application to create transparency.

4.) To plan, organize and manage the resources and execution of successful GIS project goals and objectives.

5.) Maintain, acquire, develop, and design GIS data applications and story maps to track, promote, develop current and future projects across Erie County.

6.) To empower and sustain data driven decision-making that meets modern needs of Erie County.