Public Health

Erie County Employee Vaccine Incentive ($360,000)
To increase the number of county employees fully vaccinated, the Erie County Department of Human Resources is administering an employee vaccine incentive, which allows for all currently vaccinated county employees, as well as those who are vaccinated before the end of the 2021 calendar year, to receive a one-time payment of $300.

  • To date 77% of Erie County employees are fully vaccinated.


Erie County Department of Corrections / Erie County Prison ($142,000)
Due to COVID-19 mitigation policies/procedures, residents of the Erie County Prison are no longer transported to the Erie County Courthouse for hearings; the Erie County Prison has assumed responsibility for running court operations at the prison. To improve the facilitation of remote court proceedings, Erie County Prison is installing five commercial soundproof booths from which hearings can be conducted. Additionally, seven Polycom systems are being installed, one for each booth with direct connections to county court, one in the room where arraignments are conducted, and one in a room being used for federal court and probation hearings.


Erie County Facilities and Operations ($10,000)
Erie County Facilities and Operations is making physical changes to multiple transaction or customer service windows located in county-owned facilities which have not yet been modified to meet safe operating guidelines during the COVID-19 public health crisis.


Erie County Information Technology ($274,760)
Information Technology is purchasing software and hardware to respond to the needs of multiple departments created by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Erie County Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission ($3,500,000)
The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission is to address Erie County Council Resolution 43 of 2020 Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis in Erie County. The Commission will invest in racially diverse populations by granting funding that creates opportunities for minority populations, lobbies for inclusive policy, and empowers minority populations throughout Erie County. The governing body of the Commission will consist of nine Directors, seven appointed by County Council and two appointed by the County Executive.


Blue Zones Corry
Blue Zones Project is a community-wide, evidence-based approach to improve health and well-being in making healthier choices easier for everyone. By adopting certain systemic changes, whole communities have been able to re-engineer environments and culture to make the healthy choice the easy choice for the entire population. Output is implementation of the Blue Zones model in Corry, resulting in improved health and wellbeing of Corry residents.