Erie County Department of Health provides 2021 summary on COVID-19


Walter Ang  |  Communications Specialist

Erie County Department of Health provides 2021 summary on COVID-19

Erie, PA — Erie County Department of Health provides public health data and statistics for 2021 on COVID-19 in Erie County. The information was compiled and prepared by the department’s Epidemiology Section.

Vaccination efforts are ongoing to help Erie County residents avoid severe illness and avoid the need for hospitalization in case of infection with COVID-19. As of Dec. 31, 2021, across Erie County’s Erie County’s 38 incorporated municipalities, which includes 2 cities, 14 boroughs and 22 townships, the total of persons vaccinated, which includes partially and fully, is 172,991.

Breakdown by vaccination status

  Number of persons Of eligible population


Of total population


Partially vaccinated 23,605 9.3% 8.8%
Fully vaccinated 149,386 58.6% 55.4%


Breakdown by age range

Years old Percentage vaccinated fully within each age range Percentage vaccinated partially within each age range
5–9 14.9% 5.7%
10–19  39.2% 5.8%
20–29  50.7% 9.5%
30-39 55.0% 9.6%
40-49 60.4% 8.4%
50-59 68.8% 8.6%
60-69 76.3% 10.2%
70 and older 80.3% 14.5%


As of Dec. 31, 2021, by manufacturer, of all vaccines administered: 72.1% is Pfizer-BioNTech; 25.1% is Moderna; and 2.8% is Johnson and Jonhson.

Among all persons vaccinated, breakdown by gender: 53.1% female and 46.4% male. Breakdown by race: 72.3% White, 4.7% Black; 1.7% Asian; 17.4% Multiple/Other; and 4.5% Unknown. By Ethnicity: 3.1% Hispanic, of any race; 72.3% Not Hispanic; and 24.6% Unknown.


Cases and deaths

The Erie County Department of Health’s Epidemiology Section has prepared a COVID-19 pandemic timeline through December 31st, 2021 that highlights major events together with counts for cases and deaths.


In 2021, there were 30,264 cases and 345 reported deaths due to COVID-19.

Cases Deaths
Age range 2020 2021 2020 2021
0-9 0 2,389 0 0
10-19 1,073 4,204 0 0
20-29 2,211 5,201 0 3
30-39 1,761 4,993 2 4
40-49 1,538 3,982 0 12
50-59 1,722 2,828 8 30
60-69 1,505 1,486 29 79
70-79 879 1,486 78 97
80-89 557 690 125 81
90-99 292 215 79 37
100-109 13 15 3 2
Sub-total 11,886 30,264 324 345
Total 42,130 669


Among cases in 2021, breakdown by gender: 51.9% female and 47.8% male. Breakdown by race: 73.3% White; 8.2% Black; 1.3% Asian; 2.9% Multiple/Other; and 12.0% Unknown. By ethnicity: 4.9% Hispanic, of any race; 52.6% Not Hispanic; and 42.5% Unknown.

Among deaths in 2021, breakdown by gender: 41.4% female and 58.6% male. Breakdown by race: 87.2% White; 7.0% Black; 0.3% Asian; 1.2% Multiple/Other; and 4.3% Unknown. By ethnicity: 1.7% Hispanic, of any race; 58.3% Not Hispanic; and 40.0% Unknown.

In 2021, 74.5% of reported deaths were unvaccinated.

Vaccination status 2020 2021 2021 Percentage Breakdown
Unvaccinated 324 257 74.5%
Partially vaccinated N/A 27 7.8%
Fully vaccinated N/A 61 17.7%
Additional dose N/A 6 1.7%
Sub-total 324 345
Total 669


Erie County Department of Health provides regular data updates at

Health precautions

Erie County Department of Health’s aim is to prevent injury, illness, disease and premature death in the community. “We ask the Erie County community to support these goals. Keeping ourselves and our loved ones healthy and safe from this vaccine-preventable disease is a continuing effort. Avoiding illness and the need for hospitalization allows children to continue with their schooling without interruption, which is better for their development, and allows adults to continue working, which can help our economy,” said Charlotte Berringer, Director of Community Health.

In addition to getting vaccinated, health precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 include:

  • As reasonably as possible, at gatherings and when indoors near others, wear properly-fitting masks that cover the nose and mouth; and practice social distancing.
  • Stay home if not feeling well and get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. If test results are positive, stay home and stay apart from others in your household.
  • Whenever possible, provide ventilation (air-flow) into rooms such as opening windows (even if just for a short while during colder weather), turning on kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans, and, if possible, using air purifiers with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.

For other health-related questions about COVID-19, contact 814-451-6700 or
