Municipal Planning Assistance

In order to compete with other communities and other regions, Erie County and Erie County municipalities must do everything possible to recognize their full potential. Planning is the first step towards making our communities an even better place to live for current and future residents.

The Erie County Department of Planning and Community Development recognizes the need for Erie County municipalities to review and update their municipal comprehensive plans on a regular basis. Because municipalities often lack the funding or staffing to address plan updates on their own, the Department of Planning and Community Development provides municipal planning assistance. This service is provided at no cost to the municipality.

As part of the Municipal Planning Assistance program, the Department of Planning and Community Development provides technical assistance and helps to facilitate the municipality’s planning process. The department also provides assistance with the development of municipal ordinances such as zoning ordinances, subdivision and land development ordinances and official map ordinances.

Since 2016, the Department of Planning and Community Development has provided assistance with the following municipal plans and ordinances:

  • Albion Borough Comprehensive Plan (2019)
  • Albion Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (2019)
  • Albion Borough Zoning Ordinance (2019)
  • Greene Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (2021)
  • Greene Township Zoning Ordinance (2021)
  • Greene Township Comprehensive Plan (2020)
  • LeBoeuf Township Zoning Ordinance (2018)
  • North East Area Comprehensive Plan (2022)
  • Union City Borough Zoning Ordinance (2018)
  • Union Township Zoning Ordinance (2017)
  • Venango Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (2016)
  • Venango Township Zoning Ordinance (2016)

The Department of Planning and Community Development is currently assisting with the following:

  • North East Township Zoning Ordinance
  • North East Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
  • North East Borough Zoning Ordinance Amendments
  • North East Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
  • Municipal Solar Energy Ordinances (available to all interested municipalities)