HUD CoC Application



2024 and 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Continuum of Care Competition


HUD has released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024 and 2025 CoC competition. A major change for the NOFO is that the funding is for a 2 year period. The deadline to submit CoC Consolidated applications and project applications for FY 2024 funds is 8:00 PM EDT on October 30, 2024. Another deadline for Applicants with CoC projects that wish to reallocate eligible renewal projects and create new projects in the FY 2025 funding process must also submit those applications for reallocation by the application submission deadline of 8:00 PM EDT on August 29, 2025. The amount of funding for Tier 1 is set at 90% of the Annual Renewal Demand (ARD). Tier 1 is funding that is traditionally non-competitive. The remaining 10% of the ARD is placed in Tier 2 which is competitive funding. The estimated ARD for the Erie City and County Continuum of Care is $2,748,715. Tier 1 funding is set at 2,473,844. All projects will be ranked and rated by the Erie Continuum of Care Ranking and Scoring sub-committee. See the Erie CoC Written Rating and Ranking Written Standards and Procedures at link below for details on how projects will be rated and ranked.

Current HUD providers who plan on submitting a renewal project application for the 2024/25 HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition will receive an email today with the attachments of the renewal project application from eSNAPS and the renewal project application addendum. While renewal projects can be imported from the 2023 CoC Competition, all HUD providers with renewals must also submit the additional renewal application addendum attached on the renewal email notification. This will be used to provide information needed to rate and rank your application. Also included in the email will be an attachment for Renewal Project detailed instructions. Renewal project applications are due by Monday, September 16, 2024, by 5 pm. Renewal providers putting in for an expansion grant will need to fill out a New Project application. Renewal providers will be provided with an attachment with from their 2023 CoC Renewal application for reference.

For new project applications for the 2024/25 competition, the amount of CoC bonus funds available are $520,180. Due to increase in costs of our Homeless Management Information System, $50,000 of the CoC Bonus funds will be dedicated for an HMIS Expansion grant. This will leave $470,180 of CoC Bonus funds for other new projects. New projects for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid-Rehousing (RRH) will be accepted but the Rating and Ranking committee may give higher priority to which type of permanent housing (PSH or RRH) based on local need. Eligible applicants for new projects include nonprofit organizations (including faith-based organizations), states, local governments, instrumentalities of state and local government. Current PSH and RRH providers may apply for new expansion grants. For-profit entities are ineligible to apply for grants and are prohibited from being subrecipients of CoC Program grant funds. All new grants submitted must request at least $50,000 dollars and no more than $470,180 (the remaining CoC bonus after the HMIS Expansion reduction). New project applications must be fully completed in order to be eligible. A link for all new project applications and new project detailed instructions is available on the Erie Home Team (CoC) website and the Erie County government website. Please read and review the New Project Detailed Instructions for instruction on completing the application. All projects will be scored according to the 2024 Erie County CoC Rating and Ranking Written Standards and Procedures.

The Rating and Ranking Committee will accept, reduce or reject projects and rate and rank projects submitted. Accepted projects may be submitted to HUD with full or partial funding depending on the amount of projects submitted and the amount of funds requested. The CoC will not be applying for the new DV bonus funds this year.

HUD is requiring all New and Renewal project applications are to be submitted no later than 30 days before the overall application submission deadline of October 30, 2024 at 8 pm (see page 4 of the NOFO) . In order to have time to rate and rank projects, all new project applications (including new expansion projects) are due no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, September 23, 2024. Renewal applications are due no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, September 16, 2024. New and renewal projects must be emailed back to the County (Peter Burke, by these deadlines or they will not be considered for funding. Rating and Ranking of projects will be publicly posted at least 15 days prior to the overall application submission deadline of October 30, 2024 on both the Erie Home Team (CoC) website and the Erie County government site listed below.

  1. Link to the 2024 HUD Notice of Funding (2024 Continuum of Care Competition NOFO) for your review; file:
  2. Link to CoC Program Interim Rule for review:
  3. Links to Erie County CoC Rating and Ranking Policies, Procedures and Scoring Tools.
  4. Links to New Project Application and New Project Detailed Instructions
  5. Link to 2024 Continuum of Care Competition Page for review:
  6. Link to HUD required forms for each project you are applying for:
    a) Form 2880-
    b) SF-LLL-
    c) 50070-


2024.2025 NOFO Documents

2024.2025 CoC Detailed NOFO Funding Announcement and Resources
2024.2025 CoC New Application Detailed Instructions
2024.2025 CoC New Project Application
2024.2025 CoC Renewal Project Application Detailed Instructions
2024.2025 CoC Renewal Project Application Addendum
2024.2025 CoC Rating and Ranking Written Standards and Procedures
2024.2025 CoC Rating and Ranking Tool


Instructions for 2024 attached New Project Applications:

  1. Read the FY 2024 and FY2025 HUD CoC NOFA to make certain to understand all requirements (link above).
  2. Fill in your new 2024 HUD CoC project application using the applicable attached template and forward back to me via email. Read the instructions above each section carefully.
  3. Review 24 CFR 578.73 for detailed HUD Match requirements (see COC Program Interim Rule Link above). Please note that match sources for all grant funds must be matched with either cash or In-Kind and must be no less than 25% of project budget except for leasing. For In-Kind services, make sure to include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) if the services are being provided by a third party. *Remember that match contributions must be actual funds spent or goods/services used for program participants in the HUD-funded program. Match is not funds kept in cash reserves. Make certain that your match contribution is for eligible activities as per 24 CFR Part 578.
  4. Using the links above, complete and sign forms for each project you intend to apply for: HUD 2880, SF-LLL, and HUD 50070.


Documents needed to submit for a new project application:

  1. Completed 2024 HUD CoC New Project application
  2. Match letter dated and signed by agency director.
  3. MOU letters if applicable for In-Kind match
  4. Completed and signed HUD forms: 2880, SF-LLL, and 50070- complete each form for each new project you are applying for
  5. Proof of nonprofit status.

All information is publicly posted on the Erie Home Team Homeless and Housing Coalition website, and Erie County website, .


You may contact Peter Burke for any questions regarding the NOFO announcement. Contact info is below.

Peter Burke
Housing Program Director
Erie County MH/ID Office
154 W. 9th Street, 4th Floor
Erie, Pa 16501
Work phone – 814-451-6813
Cell Phone – 814-923-3985



Priority Listing and Ranking for 2023 HUD Continuum of Care Projects

2023 Continuum of Care Consolidated Application

2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Continuum of Care Competition


HUD has released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2023 CoC competition. See below.

Current HUD providers who plan on submitting a renewal project application for the 2023 HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition have been notified by email on Tuesday, July 25. While renewal projects can be imported from the 2022 CoC Competition,  all HUD providers with renewals must submit the additional renewal application addendum attached on the renewal email notification. This will be used to provide information needed to rate and rank your application. Renewal project applications are due by Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

For new project applications for the 2023 competition, the amount of CoC bonus funds available are $257,283.  New projects for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid-Rehousing (RRH) will be accepted but the Rating and Ranking committee may give higher priority to the type of permanent housing (PSH or RRH) based on local need. Any provider can apply for the new PSH projects and/or RRH projects and current PSH and RRH providers may apply for expansion grants. All new grants submitted must request at least $50,000 dollars and no more than $257,283 (the CoC bonus). The New Project Bonus application and the New Project addendum are attached above and must be fully completed in order to be eligible. Please read and review the New Project Detailed Instructions for instruction on completing the application.  For the New Project application, you may choose to fill out the PDF or Word doc. The New Project application addendum is only available in Word. All projects will be scored with the 2023 Erie County CoC Rating and Ranking Tool. The Rating and Ranking Committee will accept or reject projects and rate and rank projects submitted. Accepted projects may be submitted with full or partial funding depending on the amount of projects submitted and the amount of funds requested. Providers applying for a new project or new Expansion project need to submit the attached New CoC Bonus Project Application (you can return the PDF or Word application, whichever is easier to fill out) as well as the additional New Project Application Addendum (information required by HUD but in a separate section). Because we have a HUD DV grant that was just launched in December, 2022, we will not be applying for the new DV bonus funds this year.  HUD is requiring all New and Renewal project applications are to be submitted no later than 30 days before the overall application submission deadline of September 28, 2023 (see page 2 of the 2023 NOFO) .  In order to have time to rate and rank projects, new applications must be emailed back to the County (Peter Burke, no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 21, 2023. Renewal applications are due no later than 5:00 PM on August 15, 2023.

Useful Links:

Instructions for the New 2023 Project Applications:

  1. Read the 2023 HUD CoC NOFA to make certain to understand all requirements.
  2. Fill in your new 2023 HUD CoC project application using the applicable attached template and forward back to me via email. Read the instructions above each section carefully.
  3. Review 24 CFR 578.73 for detailed HUD Match requirements (see COC Program Interim Rule Link above). Please note that match sources for all grant funds must be matched with either cash or In-Kind and must be no less than 25% of project budget except for leasing. For In-Kind services, make sure to include a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) if the services are being provided by a third party. *Remember that match contributions must be actual funds spent or goods/services used for program participants in the HUD-funded program. Match is not funds kept in cash reserves. Make certain that your match contribution is for eligible activities as per 24 CFR Part 578.
  4. Using the links above, complete and sign forms for each project you intend to apply for: HUD 2880, SF-LLL, and HUD 50070.

Documents needed to submit for a new project applications:

  1. Completed 2023 HUD CoC New Project application and New Project Application Addendum.
  2. Match letter dated and signed by agency director.
  3. MOU letters if applicable for In-Kind match.
  4. Completed and signed HUD forms: 2880, SF-LLL, and 50070 – Complete each form for each new project you are applying for.
  5. Proof of nonprofit status.


**This information will also be publicly posted on the Erie Home Team Homeless and Housing Coalition Website**