Erie County Department of Human Services and its administering agency, Erie County Care Management (ECCM), launched the Coordinated Entry system for homeless and housing services on January 23, 2018. The system acts as a single point of entry for services. Clients can walk in to ECCM during business hours at 1601 Sassafras Street, Erie, PA 16502, or call 814-SHELTER (814-743-5837) at any time.
Clients complete a brief screening to determine their housing status, as well as whether they are a veteran and/or fleeing from domestic violence. Clients who are homeless are referred to an emergency shelter, while those with less urgent needs are referred to other services, such as rent assistance.
Within seven days, ECCM meets with the client to conduct a standardized assessment, which measures the client’s needs. Depending on the assessment, the client may be placed on a prioritized waiting list for more intensive services such as Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) or Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH).
The Coordinated Entry system offers a number of benefits, such as reduced administrative burden on provider agencies, the availability of more complete and accurate data, and most importantly, a streamlined and simplified process for clients to obtain services.