Health and Wellness
- Beach Water Testing Results
- Child and Family Health
- Free Condom Program
- Nutrition and Food Access
- Preventing Insect-Borne Diseases
- Preventing Rabies and Animal Bites
Licenses, Permits & Inspections
- Apply/Renew for License or Permit
- Food Safety Manager Certification
- Food Facility Inspection Reports
- Assistance and Complaints
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for visiting, using a service or participating in an activity of the
Erie County Department of Health.
Please tell us about your experience,
Your feedback is appreciated and will be used to improve or services.
Erie County Department of Health does not handle these matters:
Birth and Death Certificates/Records
Call 814-871-4261
Pennsylvania Department of Health Division of Vital Records
Erie County branch: 1910 West 26th St., Erie, PA 16508
Medical Marijuana Cards
Call 717-547-3047
Pennsylvania Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana
Disposing of Expired Drugs and Medicines and Used Needles